Tidy your way to




Imagine being surrounded only by things you love

Imagine feeling lighter, more peaceful, and deeply satisfied

Imagine knowing what sparks joy in all areas of your life

If you are weighed down by your possessions, you are not alone!
Lots of people feel they have too much stuff and too much clutter.

I’m Jill Fischer

Certified Konmari Consultant

I can help!

I am trained to be your guide to creating a home that brings you a sense of ease and joy.

I’m Jill Fischer


Certified Konmari Consultant

I can help!

I am trained to be your guide to creating a home that brings you a sense of ease and joy.

What is the
Konmari Method?


The Konmari Method, developed by Marie Kondo (author of the international bestseller “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up”), is an approach to going through all of the items you own and identifying which ones spark joy, then storing them in a way that brings order and calm to your home.

The results bring transformation both inside and out. Why?

Because when you learn to tune in to what sparks joy through relating to your possessions, you naturally get better at knowing what sparks joy in other areas of your life—without even trying!

When you get better at knowing what sparks joy, you start to make more life-enhancing choices and you become happier!

This is why Marie Kondo described her method as “the life changing magic of tidying up.” 

Decluttering is more of a journey than a project, and Jill is a great guide. It’s not just about tidiness; all that stuff was weighing me down! Jill was with me every step and was a great motivator, helping me through the challenges and recognizing my successes. – MJ

Why hire a Konmari Consultant?


Having support is the key to success!

Regardless of how much stuff you have, the process of tidying can sometimes feel like climbing a steep mountain in patchy weather. 

You may stray off the path and get lost. You may get discouraged. You might lose momentum or get stuck, and miss getting to the breath-taking view at the top.

I know the path and how to deal with the challenges that come up along the way. I’ve helped people just like you, many of who thought there was no way that they could create order out of the large mountain of stuff they had accumulated over the years.

To their surprise, they learned that with the support of a reliable guide they could indeed reach the top of the mountain and have the refreshing experience of lightness, competence, and greater choice in their lives as a result of the decluttering process.

Why Choose Jill Fischer?


I was a psychotherapist for several decades before shifting my focus to the amazing benefits that come from changing your relationship to your possessions by using the Konmari Method for tidying.

It was my own tidying festival that was hugely transformative and led me in this new direction.

It was my own tidying festival that was hugely transformative and led me in this new direction. Each step along the way,  I felt a growing sense of security, lightness,  and ease. I strengthened my ability to sense, notice and allow joy to be my North Star.

I know first hand how complex it can be to decide to keep or discard an object, given all the meaning or memories or “what ifs” or sense of responsibility it may hold, as well as how challenging it can be to do this with every item that you own!!!!

am skilled at creating a nonjudgmental, supportive experience. My ability to tune in to subtle signals and expressions helps my tidying clients get clear about how they’re feeling item by item. I know what questions are helpful to ask so that they make decisions that are right for them. I know how to keep from imposing my own preferences and tendencies on others, deeply respecting that each person has their own needs, likes and dislikes.

I love helping others grow in a way that is both tangible—you can see it—and emotional—you can feel it—through using this powerful method.

I am committed to helping you gain confidence in your ability to make decisions that are life-enhancing, to learn to know what joy feels like, and to choose it over and over!

Arrange your complimentary 30-minute phone conversation

2 + 11 =

Why Choose Jill Fischer?


I was a psychotherapist for several decades before shifting my focus to the amazing benefits that come from changing your relationship to your possessions by using the Konmari Method for tidying.

It was my own tidying festival that was hugely transformative and led me in this new direction.

It was my own tidying festival that was hugely transformative and led me in this new direction. Each step along the way,  I felt a growing sense of security, lightness,  and ease. I strengthened in my ability to sense, notice and allow joy to be my North Star.

I know first hand how complex it can be to decide to keep or discard an object, given all the meaning or memories or “what ifs” or sense of responsibility it may hold, as well as how challenging it can be to do this with every item that you own!!!!

am skilled at creating a nonjudgmental, supportive experience. My ability to tune into subtle signals and expressions helps my tidying clients get clear about how they’re feeling item by item. I know what questions are helpful to ask so that they make decisions that are right for them. I know how to keep from imposing my own preferences and tendencies on others, deeply respecting that each person has their own needs, likes and dislikes.

I love helping others grow in a way that is both tangible—you can see it—and emotional—you can feel it—through using this powerful method.

I am committed to helping you gain confidence in your ability to make decisions that are life-enhancing, to learn to know what joy feels like, and to choose it over and over!

Jill brilliantly guided me – mess by mess – to identify which items evoke happiness and which are best discarded or given away.  Our sessions, in person and on Zoom, have dramatically improved my quality of life, making space for visitors and for pursuit of hobbies…There is simply no person more capable of bringing your home into delightful order than Jill Fischer.  – MK


Sometimes people are ready to jump in and transform their home from top to bottom.

Sometimes they prefer to take it one step at a time, dipping a toe in gradually, one session at a time.

Single Sessions

If you want to take the process one step at a time, this option is for you.

The Initial Tidying Session


Pre-Purchase 3 or More

If you know you want to dive in and save money, pre-purchased sessions are for you.

What is a Full Tidying Festival?


Virtual Sessions

If you live outside of Tidy with Joy’s geographic area, this option is for you.

Can this work online?


Long before working with Jill, I was already a decluttering convert. I had done a lot of work on my own with the easy stuff – clothes, books, papers – and knew I felt better as a result. But when I realized I was ready to tackle my art studio (plus thirty years of tools, materials, and artwork), I knew I wanted help. In just a few sessions, Jill helped me create monumental piles of stuff for sorting, sort through them, and whittle things down to workable tasks.

Jill has a great therapist’s compassionate, nonjudgmental presence and the zest of a highly effective coach. I loved being able to tell her about my successes and struggles. Her support in person and via text really helped me move through many phases of this project.

Now my life is in a really different place – I’m moving my office into a new space that will support my creativity in working with clients, I feel lighter, I’m taking better care of my health, and I feel confident about my ability to make decisive, positive changes in many areas of my life. Working with Jill is magic of the most pragmatic, grounded kind :).

– JP

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